Privacy, Terms & Conditions
For questions, concerns, or comments please email [email protected].
Customers may ask us to remove their comments or delete their contact information at any time by contacting [email protected].
Privacy Policy
Event Solutions we recognize that privacy is important. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you of our practices with regard to personal data we collect. When you sign up to become an Event Solutions customer reference, we ask you for personal information (such as your name, phone number and email address). This information is solely for the use of Event Solutions and will not be distributed. Access to this information is restricted to the top management of Event Solutions.
This website uses cookies, remarketing, and tracking code from Google, Bing, and other secure websites/software to provide a better user experience. We do not sell or share your personal information with anyone. Event Solutions is a United States based business and does not specifically target any consumer(s) in the EU market. By using this website and/or contacting us for an estimate, it should be assumed you are consenting to US-based data laws and use guidelines.
What We Collect & Why
We collect very little personal information about our users. A list of the “Personal Information” Event Solutions may collect, and why we collect it, follows:
- The amount and type of information that we gather depend on the nature of the interaction. Typically we request your name, company name, email address, and contact preferences. This information helps us communicate with you about your use of our services, product announcements, and updates, as well as respond to your requests for assistance. Also, we may use your personal information to send you marketing emails and special offers about our services. For more information, please see the section below entitled, “Will Event Solutions Send Me Emails?”
- The geographic area where you use your computer and mobile devices (as indicated by an IP address or similar identifier), and the language you select when interacting with the Event Solutions website. We collect this information to help us deliver and support our service, including by localizing your Event Solutions experience. It also helps us improve our understanding of how our users use our website
- Event Solution’s web site and applications also collect and receive information from your computer or mobile device, including the activities you perform within your visit, the type of hardware and software you are using (for example, your operating system or browser), and information obtained from cookies.
Gathering this kind of information helps us administer a better experience, provide convenient and personalized access, improve the features and usability of our products and services, analyze user trends and information about users’ use of our Service, collect information about use and growth of services in specific regions, and evaluate the content and organization of our site. We do NOT collect information about you to deliver any targeted advertising to you or track your visits to any third-party websites.
Will Event Solutions Send Me Emails?
From time to time, we may want to contact you with information about product announcements, updates and special offers. You may opt-out of such communications at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” link found within Event Solutions email.
Special Offers & Discounts
Please note that all special offers and discounts are applied by event planner at time of booking. Past offers, discounts, and any listed prices are not guaranteed.
Copyright, Backlinks & Guest Blogging
Content (including media files) on this website are copyrighted and may only be used with permission. Please contact [email protected] for more information on backlinks, content sharing, and guest blogging.
Event Solutions reserves the right to:
- Decline a customer referral, without reason or cause.
- Terminate a customer referral at any time, without prior notice, at our absolute discretion
- All quotes are given as estimates.